Technology Developer Accelerator Programme (TDAP)
Alsitek Limited
Material characterisation for cleaner and safer air
This project sought to characterise a new material technology that could not only act as a filter media in air cabin filtration systems, but also in vehicle after treatment exhaust systems. The Technology Developer Accelerator Programme (TDAP) supported activities which focused on current industry cabin filtration tests against the current best in class activated carbon materials.

Engineered Absorbent Filter Media
Project Highlights
- Absorbs NO2 & VOCs
- Non-combustible material with applications potentially including PPE, cabin filtration and after treatment systems
- Can be used as a fire retardant material
- Can be easily regenerated by rinsing with water
- Material structure gives a high surface area
- Material is absorbing and not catalytic therefore it retains the particles it captures and does not desorb in normal conditions