Collaborative R&D Competitions

Cummins: Spinning up E-Turbo innovation 

Project Trident aimed to increase efficiency in hydrogen fuel cells through the development of an E-Turbo, a vital technology for decarbonising heavy-duty vehicles. The project has had wider impacts on Cummins’ conventional Turbos, with projected savings of approximately 200 million tonnes of CO over the next 10 years. 

Trident is a £20 million project, which has received £10 million in government grant funding through the Advanced Propulsion Centre UK. 

Led by Cummins, the project has brought industry and academia together to not only decrease wasted energy, but also drive investment and job creation in the UK supply chain. Collaboration has been key to the success of the project, with Aeristech using it to rapidly develop its product and bring it to market much faster than would have been possible without the consortium support. SME Holtex was also able to use the programme to spin out a new business, Holdson, as a direct result of the learning and commercial opportunities gained from Trident. Academic partner University of Bath has developed and deployed analytical tools that reduce the time wasted on design iterations, delivering cost and time savings for this technology. 

Watch the video above to learn more about this project and its outcomes. 

Or listen to the podcast episode for an extended interview with Laith Al-kazaz, Advanced Engineering Director at Cummins to learn more.