Strong growth in low carbon vehicle sales in September

The latest vehicle sales data from the SMMT show further growth in the number of new low carbon cars on the road. Overall new car registrations in the UK reached their highest-ever September total last month with 462,517 cars registered last month, the 43rdconsecutive month of growth in the market. This was echoed in the commercial vehicle (CV) sector with registrations showing a healthy rise for the month with a 24.8% increase in trucks, while van demand grew 19.6%

The start of autumn saw alternatively-fuelled vehicles (AFVs) recording another strong month with volumes up 21.7%. This puts total year-to-date growth at 48.7% for AFVs.

The total number of cars registered in 2015 so far is 2,096,886, which is 7.1% higher than at the same point last year. It is the first time that the two million mark has been passed in September since 2004. 321,302 commercial vehicles have now registered in the year to date, an increase of 2%.

See the full report on September’s car registrations and for commercial vehicles.

Mike Hawes, SMMT Chief Executive, said,

September is traditionally one of the year’s biggest months for new car registrations, and last month set an autumn record. With plenty of attractive, affordable deals available on the new 65-plate, Britain’s car buyers – whether private, fleet or business consumers – were busier than ever. The market reached pre-recession levels some time ago, and we anticipate some levelling off in the coming months. It is too early to draw conclusions, but customer demand for diesel remained strong, accounting for one in two cars registered.

The Advanced Propulsion Centre has invested in 10 major low carbon propulsion projects worth more than £174 million which will secure or create more than 4,500 jobs in the UK and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 12 million tonnes, equivalent to the CO2 emissions from 630,000 new cars, every year, for the next 12 years.