Published: 27/03/2015
APC welcomes German media to hub
The APC welcomed a party of German automotive industry journalists to the Hub, as part of a wider visit to see the UK motor industry at work.
Published: 27/03/2015
The APC welcomed a party of German automotive industry journalists to the Hub, as part of a wider visit to see the UK motor industry at work.
Published: 26/03/2015
Projects that will bring fuel cells into van fleets, develop high efficiency transmissions and create the next generation of electric and hybrid buses are among the latest to receive money from the joint £1 billion government and industry fund.
Published: 23/03/2015
As part of the APC’s vision to position the UK as a global centre for low carbon propulsion system development and production, a National Propulsion Showcase is being developed.
Published: 18/03/2015
The APC launches Power Electronics and Electrical Energy Storage Spokes, bringing together academia and business to take ideas into production and boost the UK supply chain.
Published: 13/03/2015
The Automotive Council released their latest report documenting the rapid increase in demand from British vehicle manufacturers for British-made components.
Published: 10/03/2015
Cambridge Econometrics report “Fuelling Britain’s Future” was launched during a seminar hosted by the LowCVP at the House of Commons.
Published: 09/03/2015
The APC welcomed the publication of a report showing that the drive for low carbon road transport is good for the economy and good for motorists.
Published: 03/03/2015
The Future Powertrain Conference took place at the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull in February 2015, and it brought together academics and engineers from the automotive industry with the aim of jointly exploring solutions for future powertrain challenges.
Published: 21/01/2015
The Advanced Propulsion Centre seeks permanent Chief Executive to build on successful launch.
Published: 19/01/2015
The Advanced Propulsion Centre team hosted a breakout session at the SMMT Open Forum in Leicester on 18 March 2015.
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