LCV 2016 Round Up

A week has passed since a record breaking LCV 2016, which exceeded last year’s attendance by 25% showing why it is the go to show for low carbon technology developers. The event showcased the hugely diverse and successful UK automotive industry, through a range of exhibitors and seminars.

The Advanced Propulsion Centre took centre stage at the event to deliver some new and exciting workshops and seminars as well as announcing some very exciting funding opportunities.

£84 million invested in low carbon technology projects

Nick Hurd, Mister of State for the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, announced that the Government would invest a further £42 million through the Advanced Propulsion Centre for APC 5. The announcement of the 5 new projects worth £84 million came during Nick Hurd’s opening speech.

£2.45 million invested in SME support

The winners, securing a share of a recent £2.45 million investment for low carbon development and demonstration projects in the niche vehicle sector, were announced on the first day of LCV. Over 50 businesses were successful in receiving grant funding from the Niche Vehicle Network run competitions, supported by Innovate UK, the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and the Advanced Propulsion Centre.

The APC Workshop Dome

During day 1, the APC took over the workshop dome to explore the breadth of capabilities in the UK automotive industry and understand the opportunities and challenges in the road ahead.

The session included a series of interesting debates and workshops, including the ‘Brightest Spark Debate’ which saw the APC Spokes go head-to-head to argue whose technology was the most important and could offer a fast track to a low carbon future.

Workshops delving into the future of traction batteries and traction motors also took place. Attendees were able to give their input into what the future supply chain might look like for these key technologies and what the UK should be doing to ensure these opportunities are capitalised on.

The Great Pavilion

For the first time the UK Funding Ecosystem came together at LCV 2016 on the GREAT Pavilion. This was a huge success and allowed attendees to explore the entire support mechanism available for the UK automotive industry from concept to product.

The stand featured over 30 pieces of technology, including the Aston Martin RapidE and a Saietta electric motorbike. Visitors had the chance to look across innovations from each of the APC Spoke communities, with technology such as the Nissan Battery Pack, Lightweight Motorbike Yolks, Electric Motors and many more.

Augmented Reality Centre Piece

The Digital Engineering & Test Centre (DE&TC) brought together the APC Spokes to create an augmented reality centre piece at LCV 2016, allowing users to see the inside of a vehicle in a completely different way. Each of the Spokes provided 3D digital drawings their technologies which, with the help of specialist virtual reality designers Inition, the DE&TC brought to life. Users were able to look inside virtual battery packs, electric motors, internal combustion engines and power electronics to see what’s new in the world of advanced academic research.

The ‘Low Carbon Innovation by an SME Award’ winner was crowned

The Low Carbon Champions Awards are designed to identify and promote examples of outstanding and innovative practice in accelerating the shift to lower carbon vehicles and fuels and reducing road transport emissions.

The award for ‘Low Carbon Innovation by an SME’ sponsored by the APC celebrates the incredible work that UK SMEs are doing to help drive a low carbon future.

Tevva Motors took home the award for ‘Low Carbon Innovation by an SME’ at the Low Carbon Champions Awards during the LCV dinner. Riversimple came a close runner-up and were acknowledged for their excellent work.