Innovate UK to host networking and consortia building event

Innovate UK are to hold an event focused on dissemination of learning and future plans for low emission freight. The Low Carbon Commercial Vehicle Demonstration Competition: Networking & Consortia Building Event will take place on Thursday 14 July 2016.

Innovate UK and the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV), funded the first Low Carbon Truck Demonstration project which started in 2013 and was led by Department for Transport (DfT), Freight team. The results and observations are now available to share with the wider transport community.

The day will see an informed agenda which will disseminate project outcomes as well as analysis of fleet data, and also related studies funded by DfT Freight targeting a better understanding of carbon reductions from various technologies. In addition, this event will be an opportunity to hear about the  £19 million of Government funding being made available through an Innovate UK competition to help commercial vehicles operators test innovative low and zero emission vehicle technologies, as announced by Transport Minister Andrew Jones on 30th June. Innovate UK is looking to support technologies addressing a broader range of vehicles than the first trial, and offer increased funding support than four years ago. Details of the forthcoming competition will be announced shortly and the official briefing event will take place at this event and will also be webcast for those unable to attend in person.