Call for Evidence on the UK CAV Testing Ecosystem

The UK has the opportunity to secure its position as a centre of excellence and a world leader in the demonstration and deployment of connected and automatous vehicles. Why is the UK in the position to be able to do this? It has the competitive advantage of being able to test anywhere in the UK today, along with the depth of knowledge and expertise of technological innovators and pioneers making the UK the home of innovation. It has been a high priority of government to ensure that the UK is in the position to capitalise on this, and through the creation of the CCAV, it hopes to be able to support this.

This call for evidence seeks to build the evidence base to determine how the UK might integrate and strengthen the national testing offer and whether there is a case for a new flagship test bed to provide a focus for this activity. It will also inform development of powerful and tangible investment signals to global corporates of the UK’s leadership ambition and position.

The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles would like to invite you to take part in this call for evidence and register your views on the current UK test environment and the case for a new flagship test bed. Please contact [email protected] if you would like further information on how you can be a part of making the UK a centre of excellence for connected and autonomous vehicles.