2015 Frankfurt Motor Show plugs into low carbon technology

Low carbon technology is at the top of the agenda at the 2015 Frankfurt motor show which opened this week and runs until 27 September. One of the biggest automotive shows in the world, the event includes a significant number of cars manufactured in the UK and this year electric technology in particular is making the headlines with extended range and all-electric concepts revealed.

One of the UK’s best selling all-electric vehicles, which is also built in Sunderland, is the Nissan Leaf. The latest version on stage in Germany boasts a new 30kWh battery, enabling the range to be extended up to 155 miles on a single charge.

The APC’s Garry Wilson joined the Automotive Investment Organisation and members of the Automotive Council at a reception in Frankfurt to promote opportunities available for development and production of low carbon technology in the UK.

The APC works with companies who have low carbon technology that can help reduce emissions in a wide range of automotive applications such as the Ford ACTIVE APC grant funded project. The Ford ACTIVE project consists of 10 partners including Cambustion, Raicam Clutch, and the University of Bath among others. The project will accelerate the introduction of low carbon technologies targeting very substantial CO2 savings in passenger cars.

The APC has invested in 10 major low carbon propulsion projects worth more than £174 million which will secure or create more than 4,500 jobs in the UK and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 12 million tonnes, equivalent to the CO2 emissions from 630,000 new cars, every year, for the next 12 years. See below for an infographic summarising what the APC has done to date.