Technology Developer Accelerator Programme (TDAP)
Hiflux LTD
Removing barriers
This project aims to understand and plan for any barriers to introducing revolutionary heat exchanger and heat sink technology for automotive purposes, while investigating other relevant applications. At the conclusion of the project, Hiflux will have a strategy for commercialising the heat exchanger within the automotive sector and a proven manufacturing method for heat sinks along with samples for testing and promotion.

Introducing new technology
Project highlights
- Hiflux are introducing revolutionary heat exchanger technology to the automotive sector
- Recovery of heat at high temperature is an essential element of energy efficiency for many applications including automotive and industrial process plants.
- Hiflux high-temperature heat exchangers are an enabling technology for the split-cycle engines developed by Ricardo plc spin-out Dolphin N2 Ltd.
- Revolutionary internal combustion engines are targeting the long-haul truck market with the potential to achieve thermal efficiency well above existing Diesel engines coupled with near zero emissions.
- TDAP funding will be used to help Hiflux focus its technology for this high volume market.
- Hiflux is also using TDAP funding to help adapt its core manufacturing technology to create fully-welded, all copper, ultra-compact liquid-cooled heat sinks with low weight and high thermal conductivity. The heat sinks will target power electronics applications, particularly electric vehicles. TDAP funding will help Hiflux prove manufacturing feasibility and create prototype samples.
- Hiflux is also investigating potential applications in other industries using the contacts and funding provided by the Technology Developer Accelerator Programme (TDAP).