UK-built vehicles – now with added UK content!

A new report issued by the Automotive Council, and commissioned by the UKTI Automotive Investment Organisation, shows that significantly more locally manufactured components are being used in UK built vehicles now compared with 2011. The study carried out by the Professor Matthias Holweg from the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford shows that:

  • The amount of value sourced by UK car manufacturers sourced from UK tier-1 suppliers has increased from 36% in 2011, to 41% in 2015
  • In addition to the relative growth in local sourcing content, absolutepassenger car production in the UK also grew by 16% during that period. These increases in both the number of cars produced and the proportion of parts sourced locally leads to an estimated compound growth of 32% in volume sourced from UK suppliers between 2011 and 2015

This important report follows on from the ‘Growing the Automotive Supply Chain: The Opportunity Ahead’ report issued in March this year, and is the result of a survey to assess the development of local content sourced by UK car manufacturers.

The Advanced Propulsion Centre has invested in 10 major low carbon propulsion projects worth more than £174 million which will secure or create more than 4,500 jobs in the UK and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 12 million tonnes, equivalent to the CO2 emissions from 630,000 new cars, every year, for the next 12 years.