Response to budget announcement of further investment in the UK automotive supply chain

Speaking in response to today’s budget announcement Jo Evans, Strategy and Performance Director for the Advanced Propulsion Centre, said:

This will be a huge boost to automotive research and development across the UK and those developing next generation green technology. The government recognise that with continued support for both capital and innovation, the automotive sector can prosper, delivering jobs and inward investment, which creates wealth and takes us closer to achieving net zero ambitions. Every £1 spent supporting the industry brings many more in direct investment and gross value add. With COP26 starting this weekend, it also sends a clear commitment that the UK intends to remain at forefront of research, development and production of zero emission propulsion technology.

Today’s news follows last week’s announcement that, as part of the new Net Zero Strategy, Government is committing an additional £350 million to grow UK industry through its Automotive Transformation Fund (ATF), a programme managed through the APC.