Low carbon vehicles – the UK’s innovation success story

A unique publication telling the story of how the UK has developed a world-class low carbon vehicle industry was launched today at LCV2015.

Published by Autocar in this week’s magazine, ‘Low Carbon Vehicles – the UK’s innovation success story’ provides a clear picture of opportunities and activities being undertaken by government and industry working together.

The 36-page publication authored by Autocar’s ward winning team of Steve Cropley, Hilton Holloway, Andrew Frankel, Matt Burt and Mark Tisshaw were given unprecedented access to the people and programmes which have helped position the UK as a global centre of excellence for low carbon propulsion development and production.

The Advanced Propulsion Centre, Automotive Investment Organisation, GoUltraLow, Innovate UK, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, Millbrook, Office for Low Emission Vehicles and Transport Systems Catapult work together through the Automotive Council to support UK companies as they turn ideas into products designed and manufactured in the UK.

From lightweight materials in Hampshire to electric buses in Northern Ireland, heat batteries in Scotland to engine production in Sussex the UK is far more diverse as a propulsion nation than most people would imagine. The significant advances in low carbon technology by vehicle manufacturers such as Jaguar Land Rover, Nissan and Ford which are highlighted in the report are supported by innovation from universities, SMEs and suppliers across the UK.

The diagram below provides a snapshot of the support provided through government funding which is on display at LCV2015 this week and also reported in Autocar.

In the words of the Autocar supplement editor Mark Tisshaw ‘Britain has become a world leader in low-carbon vehicle research and action, as this week’s Low Carbon Vehicle event at Millbrook test circuit is bound to prove all over again.’

Low Carbon Vehiclesthe UK’s innovation success story is published in Autocar 9 September 2015 and is being sent to subscribers worldwide. A copy is being provided to every visitor at LCV2015 and will be distributed at low carbon industry events worldwide during 2015 and 2016.