Future-proofing the UK automotive supply chain

Key figures of the automotive industry will meet at the UKTI event: Future-proofing the UK Automotive Supply Chain, at the International Festival of Business 2016 in Liverpool on the 15 June 2016. The event is part of the UKTI Advanced Manufacturing Week at the prestigious event.

The UK is ever growing as a centre of excellence for automotive innovation. The event plans to pull together key industry leaders to talk about the growing supply chain opportunities, transformational R&D capability, and supportive environment which brings together the leading edge firms, world class facilities, universities, making the UK an attractive place to do business.

The Advanced Propulsion Centre team will be joining key industry leaders at the event, with Director of Business Development – Garry Wilson, opening up the event alongside Lawrence Davies, CEO, UKTI Automotive Investment Organisation.

The event will cover an array of exciting topics, such as the opportunities that lie ahead through connected and autonomous vehicles. Michael Talbot, Head of Strategy, Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, will chair the session which is sure to give some valuable insights into the world of connected and autonomous vehicles. The topic will be filled with valuable knowledge from a range of speakers such as Dan Ruiz, Chair of the Transport Technology Forum and Managing Director, Dynniq; Julian Turner, CEO Westfield Motors; John McCarthy, Atkins; Geoff Davis, Chief Strategy Officer, HORIBA MIRA.

It is free to register for the event, so be sure not to miss the exciting discussions and insight into future proofing the UK automotive supply chain.