Q4 2021 Automotive industry demand forecast
The data in these demand graphs is based on APC insight from our close relationship with OEMs for xEV production, APC Automotive Council PEMD traction specifications coupled with published data from IHS, FEV & BNEF powertrain splits used to guide 2030 demand forecast
Key headlines
- Europe still has a significant deficit in cathode and anode materials and separators but the picture is improving (slide 5)
- South Korean CAM producers fill the gap left by Johnson Matthey (slide 4 and 6)
- Brexit ‘rules of origin’ seem to be a catalyst in closing the gap (Slide 4)
- 78% of UK manufactured cars and vans are expected to be BEV by 2030 (slide 11)
- UK BEV production in 2030 is expected to be 3x 2025 levels (slide 12)
- Global automotive battery demand is expected to be 16x higher in 2030 than it was in 2020 which will have a huge impact on critical material demand (slide 11)
- A third of world demand for batteries in 2030 is likely to come from Europe (slide 13 and 22)
- In the theoretical scenario that 100% vehicles were BEV by 2030 there is still opportunity for gigafactory investment (slide 22)
Published: 15/03/2022
Q4 2021 Automotive industry demand forecast
Advanced Propulsion Centre quarterly demand data shows South Korean companies have moved to fill Johnson Matthey’s ‘gap’ and Brexit is driving the right outcome for anodes and cathodes.

Published: 15/03/2022
Q4 2021 Automotive industry demand forecast
Advanced Propulsion Centre quarterly demand data shows South Korean companies have moved to fill Johnson Matthey’s ‘gap’ and Brexit is driving the right outcome for anodes and cathodes.