Protean Electric: PULSE – Power-electronics Upscale for Localisation and Sustainable Electrification
Delivering revolutionary EV technologies combined with new UK manufacturing capabilities for power-electronics products.
PULSE will bring new, UK-developed, power-electronics products and a dedicated make-like-production pilot line. Protean will deliver an advanced 800V Twinverter and in-wheel drive solution and Unipart will develop a flexible assembly line for power-electronics systems, including Viritech’s advanced DC-DC 800V converter. The collaboration builds on sensor technology from Transense and recycling processes from Hypromag, improving efficiency and lifecycle sustainability, whilst industrialising best-in-class research from Coventry University and Warwick Manufacturing Group.

Key highlights
- Leveraging sensor technology from Transense and rare-earth-magnet recycling processes from Hypromag, increasing product efficiency and improving lifecycle sustainability.
- Enabling the capability to deliver a flexible production line that can assemble any mix of high-power inverter and DC-DC converter systems.
- Expanding the ProteanDrive offerings while establishing new UK manufacturing capabilities for world-leading in-wheel motors and DC-DC converters.
- Total project value £11 million, £5.4 million funded by the Department for Business and Trade through the APC.
Project consortium