Collaborative R&D Competitions

Sigmatex Affordable High Rate Composite Structures (ARCS)

Cost competitive carbon fibre textile and material handling process

Sigmatex has developed an innovative, high-volume, low-cost, carbon fibre textile and material handling process, which allows the application of affordable lightweight technologies for traditional components to transition to next generation lightweight solutions. This will accelerate the development of a UK supply chain capable to support the high automotive volume demand and provide a significant CO2 saving.

Lightweight Vehicle and Powertrain Structure

Strategic technologies for the UK auto industry

Project highlights 

  • Delivery of significant CO2 savings through creating an economically viable solution for the cost-effective use of composite parts in affordable cars.
  • Acceleration of the development of a UK supply chain capable to support volume demand for composite components at a rate of >50,000 units per year (per component).
  • Uses carbon fibre, recycled materials, woven fabric manufacture, pre-forming, automation and high-volume production.
  • Total project value £6,999,667 with £3,492,761 funded through the APC.

Project consortium

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